Thursday, November 15, 2007

the Hiatus

It's been a good long while since I posted anything here. I took care of my parents for a little over a week in october, but I havn;t been up to much more than that since...

I've been just trying to keep my head in the clouds and not drink so much...trying is the opporative term. As far as the blog goes? Well it hasn't gone for a while. I've been staying in Munich, counting the days until Marisa arrives. WHICH IS TODAY!!!!!!

So I havn't seen ANYTHING outside of Munich. I've been saving for our trip this weekend to paris and Rome. I occupy myself by downloading Movies and tv shows online and it's proven to be quite the successful time killer. It's been real cold here. It's snowed all week, and it's rather intoxicating. I find myself absolutely absorbed by the dancing flakes as they twist and turn their way towards the ground. I did make it to the modern art museum here in Munich(also the largest in Germany) and it was exciting to see there design and architecture galleries, but the modern art collection had nothing on Vienna. Nothing in Munich really pushes the boundaries, more of a reflection of the bavarian culture in general i think. They always error on the conservative side of things here.

I have welcomed a new member of the yankee team here at RTT. A fellow Detroit employee named Ethen. He is really cool guy and has laid any fears I had about the "type" of people in detroit to rest...although he is sort of a gun nut, which I suspect I will find a lot of in a state where fully automatic rifels are par for the course(and the streets in some areas).

Marisa and I will be in Rome for thanksgiving, so I'll eat a turkey pizza or something, or maybe not.

Expect some more bloggins when I return. I'll then only have 3 and a half weeks left in my european adventure.

PS. Sorry to all of the (few) people who have been blog faithful. I've been meaning to update, but have not devoted the time...I'll try to be better.
