Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Religiously Cold

The past couple days have been mired with unpredictable weather. The sun peeks through the clouds which hang over the city endless and purple-grey, only for minutes at a time. I wish it would just go away. I love rain, but I hate when it's wet outside and the sun comes out. It's all too contradictory for my tastes. I prefer the weather to stay in one state until I sleep again. Waking to find a new world. Different but the same.

Regardless, this recent pattern has hampered my bike excursions slightly. I used my bike to get to work in the morning yesterday, and by the end of work it was raining. The bike got left at work. This morning it was overcast and sprinkling when I took the train there and the bike home. I watched a cyclist get hit by a car today. He jumped up and began screaming at the driver of the silver BMW in german. The extent of his anger transcended the language barrier. This briefly reminded me to proceed cautiously along the slick streets of Munich, but the warning light faded into the back of my head as I dropped the chain into gear and lowered my head. Weaving through traffic reminds me of a San Francisco winter. The cold takes be back there.

Today was the coldest day thus far in Munich, and it's only september. Through the passing hours, the winds kick up fierce and the cold burst through the passing clouds. The wind here cuts though everything. The wind that comes off the alps creates chill that could not exist in Los Angeles. The city would eat it alive, and spit it back out over the sea. The cold makes it comfortable inside, alone. I have taken the opportunity to read page after page of my rapidly depleting book collection. Which brings me too my final topic.

I am growing ever closer to exhausting my english book supply, and have yet to find a bookstore here that can meet my demands of english language. So if you have a book that you're done with, kick it down the way to me. I'll bring it home with me in december. I'll come hoe and buy a drink for anyone that sends their favorite book overseas and we can talk about the subtleties of the protagonist, the anti-social message, the evil of man, or what have you.

I've been reading all sorts of work recently. Noir has been a good friend. I tend to stick to fiction, but that doesn't mean that some random philosophy will fall on deaf ears.

Curtis Evey
Buttermelcher Str. 21
80469 Munchen, Germany

I'll be anxious to see if anyone takes me up on this. Feels like a mild social experiment wrapped in friendships...delicious.


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