Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Kafe Kult

We road our bikes for a few miles towards NE Munich in search of a small club called Kafe Kult, allen fell off his bike(another story entirely) and we completely missed our turn to get to the place. We ended up about a half a mile up the road from where we needed to be, and after a brief pow-wow, decided that we must have missed it so we turned around.

On the way back, in a moment of triumph, Allen saw our turn out of the corner of his eye. We headed into a dark street, following the music, until we arrived at our destination.

Kafe Kult. A small, dark, and smokey club that resembled a graffiti ridden club house. They serve 2 euro half liters of beer and host some of the smaller rock bands from around the world. Kind of a jumping off point for smaller bands. From Monument To Masses played there 2 years ago. But this night we were fortunate enough to see one of the greatest live shows I've ever witnessed. Partly because of the international presence, partly because of the huge undertaking it was to get there; we were utterly stunned by this small band from Italy.

Niel on Impression is a 5 piece band including 2 guitars, a bass, drums, and keys. No vocals. they sound similar to Saxon Shore and FMTM and Pelican, only a little more direct in there sound. They rocked HARD for little more than an hour on their final stop for their tour this year. Dripping with sweat, they cautiously picked up their instruments for an encore that turned out to be the best song of the night. easily 8 or 9 minutes of pure energy...

I could go on and on, but really just download their stuff or check them out on myspace. Neil on Impression.

PS. Doesn't the lead guitarist look like James Barry?

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