Monday, August 13, 2007

Mid-Week Hustle

Things around the office got a little boring, what with doing 3 tutorials totaling nearly 400 pages of lessons. So on wednesday, I decided to look into a little thing that the Euorpean's call a "bar". I found a few choices for the evening, so afterwork the three of us strolled down the Straβe(street) looking for the spots. The first one looked a little dead so we continued on. We walked for bout 15 minutes before we ended up at the Atomic Cafe.

The club was on the list cause it was Indie/Alt rock night. The soundtrack could have come straight from LA; but the scene inside was pure Germany. You only have to be 16 to get into the club and drink here, so it made for an interesting group of people. Let's just say that there was little bit younger crowd was on hand. The music was good, and as usual, the beer was cheap. This lends itself well to hot, sweaty, insanity, if you're in the mood...or 17 years old.
We hung out for an hour or so before we had had enough, and pushed our way to the door. At least we got that out of system.

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