Monday, August 13, 2007

Bike Tour

This weekend has been rough. Plenty of beer and a late night walk home after missing the train, only to find that I didn't have the keys, Parker did. Anyway, the opportunity struck to take a moment for myself on sunday. Plus, the sun meant I could get back on m bike. I woke up with the sun bleeding through the blinds, a welcome feeling after 5 days of rain. The chance to get on my bike and see some more of the city got me up and into the shower. After a light breakfast, I grabbed my camera, jumped on my bike, and headed down the street towards the plaza with Allen.

An hour well spent sipping coffee and reading in the Gartner Platz, while Allen finished his weekly internet routine, prepared me for a well paced ride up and down the banks of the Isar. The city has done a great job of isolating bikers from the traffic, and it makes for some good cruising speeds. The river itself, flows from the Alps in the south, the water can be very cold, but the Bavarians have done a marvelous job of building around it. The Isar splits apart into three at points only to rejoin itself down stream. This makes for an intricate bridge system with waterfalls and gates(flood control I suspect).
First stroke of luck was a small tunnel leading down under the main road that crosses the river. Graffiti strewn across the walls and the cooler temperatures led to a quick sit down and snap a few photos.
Up and out of the tunnel and I found myself in fornt of the Maximilianeum House. From what I could tell it was used as the home of the Bavarian Senate, after the King, for whom it was built, had passed. The elevated terrace provided beautiful views of downtown munich and some stunning architecture.
I continued along the river with Allen and stopped for a few more pics, before we decided to head back towards our neighborhood to get something to eat. The Muncheners know how to take in the sun, everywhere you looked people were just hanging out, walking, sitting, riding, or anything else that can't be done when the rain comes. On the way back we cruised past another plaza with a raised terrace, overlooking a unique fountain. We paused for some pics and continued on towards somewhere to eat.
We sat down at the cafe and saw some other guests eating burgers and decided to follow suit. My first german hamburger was less than stunning, but I had to scratch the itch. I have no idea how bad those in n' out cravings are gonna hit me in a few months. Outside of the cafe, I saw one of the most well kept BMW 2002's I had ever seen.
So sunday went well...I've got a better feeling about this week, as I'm starting to figure out the work thing. Courtney Smith will be passing through Munchen for a few days. I'll show her the little I know of this beautiful city. Oh , and there's a german holiday on wednesday too! Stay tuned.


Mom in Sacto said...

Hey Curt,

I didn't know that you had a Blog. And whats even more amazing is that I figured out how to get to it.

Sorry job is boring, but sounds like you are making up for it in your spare time.

Be safe...and keep up the blog. I would love to see pics of you apt.

Lova ya, Mom

Mom in Sacto said...

It's thre Pops - keep us posted...
love the pics, need more

Cool stuff.

Mom in Sacto said...

seems like all of us will be using "mom in sacto". it's the hip thing to do?
well, i caught up on all your blogs. very nice, bro. i wish i could be as fucking successful as you... bitch.
the bmw.. you would. i like though. i just recently went to formula drift (i know.. asian.. it's in my blood, i'm sorry!) and they had a 330 ci there.. or something along those lines. damn those germans and their confusing number models.
well, i must say.. you did sound a bit emo when speaking of the rain and your wonderful marisa. but it was cute. so we'll call it emu, not emo.
anyway.. keep posting. i haven't seen you on skype yet, but ma' says it's 'cause you have no internet at home.
work hard, party hard, post more.. i'll be reading.
love ya, coo coo.

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.