Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Suche Zwei Karten (searching for 2 tickets)

I played soccer for many years growing up and I've ALWAYS wanted to see quality, premier league soccer in Europe. Now that I live here, it is the perfect chance. Enter FC Bayern Munchen. Bavaria's biggest soccer team has won some 13 of the past 20 years in the German league, and is home to some of the most terrific players in the country. There season started on saturday and already a sea of red jerseys fill the streets of Munich. So the second game of the season was today and it also happened to be a national holiday for Germany! Things are starting to fall into place...but I had no tickets.
The day started, a little late, as an exciting adventure to secure tickets to the friendly match between Bayern Munich and Barcelona. Courtney had agreed that seeing football would be a great thing to do for the day, so we woke up and headed for the stadium after a little coffee break. The plan was simple, meet a few of my coworkers at the train station, head to the stadium, and pick up some tickets from scalpers outside. Easier said than done.
The train station was a madhouse, and wall to wall soccer fans, piled into subway cars like sardines, made for a less than thrilling 20 minute ride to the Allianz Arena. We got off the train and headed to the gates of the stadium. Fans of all ages, clouted in red and white, stormed from the train down the path leading up to the entrance. I was thinking, "no one who loves their team this much, is going to give up there tickets", and I was right. We spent an hour and a half in the blazing sun looking for someone who looked like a scalper, but to no avail.
Every person that we asked, turned out to be looking for tickets themselves. In a bitter state of defeat, we headed back to the train station and got on board the U-Bahn. Courtney and I left my two coworkers to fend for themselves at the stadium. We decided that the day was too nice, although hot, to waste by going home, so she suggested the English Garden, and a stop by the famous beir gartens.
On our final sip of beer I recieved a call from Clement, my coworker, telling me that they got in for only 40 euro and that if we came back, we may find tickets before the game started. We jumped back on the train and headed out again but the scene had changed since we left the arena earlier in the day. In little over an hour that we had been away, all the fans had gone inside and we joined the remaining souls out front to beg passers by for their seats. No luck.
We headed back to the apartment to relax from a long day of unfulfilled hopes, but we had tried. Failure this time, but my luck will change. I will see a pro soccer match; I will see it soon; and you can be sure that I will write every detail about the game when I do.

1 comment:

lizmo said...

so how is it that the name shown as 'posted by' is lizmo? wasn't it mom in sac? which.. now that i think about it.. is completely ridiculous seeing as you have only one mom.. which resides in sac.. unless.. of course.. you have another mother somewhere.. that only you and "mom in sac" know about?
anyway!! that sucks how you couldn't get tickets. but, nontheless, i have no doubt in my mind that you will acquire these.. uh.. treasures?? sometime in the near future! yeee!
later, coo coo.